Lenten Opportunties

Best Lent Ever

One of the easiest things you can do this Lent is sign up to receive daily Lenten reflections from "Best Lent Ever".  Each day you will receive a short reflection in your email that you can use to strengthen your faith life over the coming weeks based on Matthew Kelly's book, "The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity".  If you would like to also supplement these reflections with the book itself, we have copies available for free at church.

Parish Mission - March 17, 18, 19

The topic for our 2019 parish mission is "Beyond the Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity" with guest speaker Judith Dunlap.

Judith is a fantastic speaker who will be building on themes explored in Matthew Kelly’s latest book called “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” which explores how each of us are called to Holiness. Even if you have not read this book, you will find great value in this topic.

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Pivotal Players - March 11 & 25 / April 1 & 8

We will be watching videos from Bishop Barron's wonderful series "Pivotal Players" to dig deeper into the lives of four amazing Saints that have greatly transformed our Church. These will be shown in Herrmann Hall on four different Monday nights from 7:00 - 8:45 p.m.

March 11 - Saint Augustine the Teacher
Learn how the life and writings of this incredible Saint has inspired countless other Saints over the centuries.

March 25 - Saint Benedict the Monk
Learn more about how St. Benedict founded the monastery that became the roots of the Church's monastic system and how his Rule of Saint Benedict is still directing religious life after 15 centuries.

April 1 - Saint Francis of Assisi
Learn about how his relationship with Christ truly transformed the Church and how St. Francis was much more than just a Saint who loved nature and animals.

April 8 - Saint Catherine of Siena
Learn more about this mystical Saint and how her determination and prolific writings made her a Doctor of the Church

Baptize Your Smartphone

Are you looking for ways to change your technology habits this Lent? Why not choose to use your screen time in a more focused, deliberate way? We have compiled a list of recommendations that allow your phone to become a tool that will strengthen your relationship with God.


Seton Movie Night - April 13

On Saturday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. following evening Mass, will be serving pizza and showing the movie "Paul Apostle of Christ " starring Jim Caviezel.

This movie is the story of two men. Luke, a physician, who risks his life when he ventures into the city of Rome to visit Paul, who is held captive in Nero’s darkest, bleakest prison cell. The two men struggle against a determined emperor and the frailties of the human spirit in order to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spread their message to the world.

That Man is You!

We welcome all men of Seton Parish to join us in the TMIY! Lenten program called "Becoming a Man After God's Own Heart". This program will take you through weekly exercises to prepare your heart to become better men of God through the Lenten season. This is a great time if you have been thinking about joining the program or to rejoin if you have been away.


Stations of the Cross

Begin or continue a Lenten tradition of reflecting on the Stations of the Cross. Our service is held every Friday at 5:30 in the church with plenty of time to make it to our famous fish fry.


Formed is a web site that can best be described as "Netflix for Catholics." and is a perfect way to grow your faith this Lenten season. Formed provides a large selection of high quality movies, short videos, audio books, and seminars that will help you grow and develop your faith. Formed is available via your computer, tablet, or mobile phone, so you can watch and listen no matter where you are.

The best part is that Formed is absolutely free.