"The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the love of a Mother." - St Thérèse of Lisieux
About MOMS
If you are not the parent of a small child -- or even if you are -- you may not know about the many ways the MOMS (Mothers of Ministry at Seton) group is actively supporting families with young children in our parish. Their mission is summed up in this statement: “We are a group of mothers that assists families with young children through prayer, social support, meal sharing, and faith building.”
The MOMS group was formed over 10 years ago, but was revived in 2013 by a core group of 4-5 mothers. Some people don’t know or don’t remember how difficult it is to get a family ready for Mass on Sunday. It can be exhausting, but once you’re there, seeing a familiar face or hearing an encouraging word can really help. Meeting other families with the same goals and values is very important to our group.
This group has a wide range of activities and ways for young families to interact with each other.
The first Wednesday of the month is Mom’s Night Out. Activities vary. Mothers may enjoy a night out dining at a local restaurant, having a manicure or pedicure, or participating in a canvas painting class. The group also organizes couple date nights, so that mothers and fathers can have a night out and get to know other couples in the group. On the second Thursday of the month, there is an evening Bible study from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. We conduct Bible study sessions using content from the Formed website, so any missed sessions can be studied at home.
For the children, there is a monthly devotional consisting of a lesson, a craft, and a snack, hosted in the nursery, a local park or at a parishioner’s home. Once or twice a month there is “Playtime in the PAC,” where there is an open gym and fellowship. Preschoolers can bring their trikes and try to exhaust their boundless energy. For the past four years, they have thrown a “Happy Birthday, Jesus” party before Christmas. After a potluck dinner, they share birthday cake, engage in a craft, and let the children play.
The MOMS group is always looking for a way to enable the young children to volunteer within our parish and in the community. One of the ways the children serve the parish is by being involved with the Seton Gardeners' Guild where they actively participate in tending to the flower garden under the flag pole at Seton. A special MOMS group volunteer night helped with packing food for the Portsmouth Food Drive. It was tailored to the young children and was a huge success. They also provide desserts for every other Knights of Columbus Fish Fry – so, when you see young children carrying trays to the trash or trying to pass out dessert, be patient!
The children have also have volunteered their time at a local assisted living facility by visiting with the residents and putting smiles on their faces. The children have also provided meals and cards to the local fire departments as a way of showing support and appreciation.
Building a Village
The Moms in this group are so generous with their time and help for one another, from providing emotional support to bringing families meals after welcoming a new baby or having surgery or just needing the extra support. The group is truly setting up the village that every family needs.
This group is a huge blessing. Families are coming back to Mass and connecting with each other. They are the future of our parish and our Church.
Register for the MOMS Group
You can become a member of the group by completing our quick and easy registration form!
Interested in Joining?
If you have additional questions about this ministry, please contact the MOMS group below.
Facebook Group
The Seton Parish MOMS Facebook group has all the latest activities and news.
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