"Ponder the fact that God has made you a gardener, to root out vice and plant virtue." - St. Catherine of Siena
About Seton Gardeners' Guild
If you are a Seton parishioner who loves flowers, loves to garden, and would love to give glory to God by creating a beautiful garden at His house, then the Seton Gardeners' Guild needs you!
The goal of our guild is to flood the Seton gardens with flowers from May through October, creating beauty and pleasure for all of our parishioners and giving glory to God. We accomplish that by having each guild member adopt one of the 22 gardens surrounding the church. Adopting a garden gives them the responsibility to prepare their garden for planting beginning in late April, to decide on a flower plan (annuals only), and then to purchase and plant their flowers in mid May. The guild gardeners are also responsible for weeding and watering their garden on a weekly basis, for keeping their garden looking beautiful from May through October, and then for doing a fall cleanup of the garden in late October.
The Seton Gardeners' Guild has no meetings, and of course, all the work is done outside. The Guild Coordinator will meet with new members individually at the beginning of the season to help them pick a garden and to show them where the hoses are located.
If you are successful, and you grow to love your Seton Garden you may keep the same one from year to year.
This is a joyful ministry for those who love to garden. The benefits are seen in the happy faces and appreciative comments from fellow parishioners, as well as from giving glory to God in the beauty and bounty of the flowers in your garden. It is a great blessing to be able to work on God's gardens!
Interested in Joining?
If you would like to join or have further questions about the Seton Gardeners' Guild, please contact Kathy Pione (740-927-3605).
Looking for More?
Are you interested in other stewardship ministry opportunities at Seton?