"The first end I propose in our daily work is to do the will of God; secondly, to do it in the manner he wills it; and thirdly to do it because it is his will." - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
About The Voice
The Seton Voice is a quarterly newsletter that communicates the exciting things happening throughout our parish including ministries, events, and the lives of our parishioners.
We are currently seeking an editor for our quarterly Seton Voice newsletter.
This is a volunteer position, so we ask that you prayerfully consider whether it is something you may be called to do.
The Voice is a quarterly publication for our parish, spotlighting various ministries and parishioners of interest. We do our best to be current with the happenings of the parish and have something for everyone in each edition.
As editor, you would coordinate several volunteers who write articles, take pictures, and handle the layout and design of the newsletter each quarter. Occasionally, you may need to write some articles.
You would be responsible for reaching out to various people in the parish to encourage them to contribute when needed. You will edit most articles and decide where to place each one in the upcoming issue. Once layout and design finishes the newsletter, you would coordinate with the printer to get the newsletter printed and back to office staff who fold and mail it.
If you are interested in this position, please send an email to Fr. Klima.
In addition, we are always looking for other volunteers to help with our efforts. Although there are no strict qualifications to join, a good writing or editing background is helpful.
Latest Seton Voice
Winter 2018
Interested in Joining?
If you would like to join, have article suggestions for an upcoming Seton Voice, or have further questions, please contact Robin Thompson (614-751-9547).
Are you looking for a past issue of The Seton Voice? You can find it in our archives.
Looking for More?
Are you interested in other evangelization and discipleship ministry opportunities at Seton?