"Just as each of our bodies has several parts and each part has a separate function, so all of us, in union with Christ, form one body, and as parts of it we belong to each other." - Romans 12:4-5
About Seton Parish Festival
Every year since 1982, Seton Parish holds its annual festival, filling three days with family fun activities, top notch entertainment, carnival rides, silent auction, raffles, Monte Carlo, silent auction, and amazing food. Our goal is to bring together our entire parish family and share with the entire Pickerington community.
For the festival to be successful, we are always looking for individuals to volunteer as subcommittee chairpersons. There are dozens of festival committees to choose from: organizing the rides, food preparation, silent auction organization, advertisements and promotions, raffles, and more. If you have a talent, there is no doubt we have a place for you. The time commitment varies on each committee but typically takes a few hours each month leading up to the festival and four hours a day during the festival itself.
Helping at the festival gives you an enormous opportunity to work alongside other parishioners whom you may not have known and to give back to our parish and surrounding communities.
We would love to have you join us!
2024 Seton Parish Festival
Our 41st annual Seton Parish Festival will be held August 16-18, 2024
2023 Seton Parish Festival
Our 40th annual Seton Parish Festival was held August 11 - 13, 2023
2022 Seton Parish Festival
Our 39th annual Seton Parish Festival was held August 12 - 14, 2022
2021 Seton Parish Festival
Our 38th annual Seton Parish Festival was held August 13 - 15, 2021
2019 Seton Parish Festival
Our 37th annual Seton Parish Festival was held August 16 - 18, 2019
2018 Seton Parish Festival
Our 36th annual Seton Parish Festival was held September 7 - 9, 2018.
Interested in Joining?
If you would like to volunteer for a committee on the parish festival, please contact Jason Heitmeyer. Even if you are unsure what committee you might best serve, he can help find a place for you.
Looking for More?
Are you interested in other stewardship ministry opportunities at Seton?