“After the love of God, your principal concern must be to serve the poor.” - St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul Mission
The vocation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul members, is to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love.
Members show their commitment through person-to-person contact. Vincentians serve in hope.
No work of charity is foreign to the society. It includes any form of help that alleviates suffering or deprivation and promotes human dignity and personal integrity in all their dimensions.
The society serves those in need regardless of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender or political opinion.
Vincentians see the face of Christ
See the face of Christ.
Be the face of Christ.
Why Am I a Vincentian?
Our Essential Elements
Holiness of Life: We seek to grow in faith by bearing witness to Christ and His church by showing that the faith of Christians inspires us to work for the good of humanity.
Friendship: We seek to grow in friendship by bringing together people of goodwill and to assist them by mutual example and true friendship in drawing nearer to the divine model by fulfilling His essential precept; namely, the love of God in the person of others.
Service to the Poor: We seek to grow in service by establishing a personal contact between our members and those who suffer to bring to the latter the most efficacious and charitable aid possible, and to promote self-sufficiency
This is the lens through which we see the world.
How Can I Get Involved?
Here are the donations we accept:
Monetary: all funds go directly to the poor; aside from our cell phone bill and annual conference fees, we have very few expenses.
Furniture, appliances, cars and other large items: several times a year our conference schedules a truck to come to Seton for parishioner donations. These are taken to the SVdP Society Thrift store that sells donated items as well as supplies us with any items our Friends in Need may require throughout the year.
Volunteers: people who can give in-kind services such as mechanics, HVAC repair persons, lawyers specializing in rent issues, referral services, etc.
Participate in our local activities to promote spiritual growth: Cross Walk on Good Friday, feed the poor (Sandwich Making to kick off in 2025), visit the lonely and elderly.

My name is Pam, and I am a neighbor who has been helped by SVDP in several ways. A few years ago, I needed help with expenses. SVDP arranged a microloan for me. I live on a disability income, guidance from SVDP helped me stay on track. I had a fall last year and was unable to drive. SVDP offered to help by taking my car to a repair shop when I couldn't. When I had to move out of my apartment for a few weeks because of safety issues, SVDP prevented me from temporary homelessness. I didn't know when I could go home because of the problems inside my apartment. I couldn't afford to stay in a hotel any longer. SVDP listened to me in a very stressed state and shared that they could assist with temporary hotel stay. SVDP saved my life. I would have ended up on the streets until I could go home had it not been for SVDP, allowing God to work through them to help me. SVDP's gracious gift humbled me and allows me to feel God's love with a deeper understanding.
I am forever grateful and blessed by the kindness and faithful hands-on ministry SVDP does. They do what Jesus did; they help the poor, go after the one, and are merciful and pure in heart. "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" (Matt. 5: 7-8).
Thank you, SVdP
Interested in Helping?
If you would like to become involved, need assistance, or have further questions about this ministry, please contact us at 614-205-2347.
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