"This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections." - St. Augustine
About Men's Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship Ministry is much more than a prayer meeting or Bible Study. Fellowship meetings help address personal issues, spiritual issues, cultural issues, visit Scripture, pray, and provide the special support that may be needed from time to time depending on the needs of participants. Men challenge each other to be better Catholic Christians and better husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends.
Three different groups meet. Each meeting lasts about an hour to allow time to discuss current events, review church teachings, and support each other in our struggles to become better Christian men. Some groups read a short chapter in a book followed by relevant questions to encourage the discussion. Other groups have a random participant present a topic about our faith followed by meaningful discussion.
Aside from one group that volunteers once a month at the Pickerington Food Pantry, there are no regular tasks or obligations, other than attending the meetings as desired. There are no pre-qualifications to join and everyone is welcome, including non-Catholics. Participating can just be listening and absorbing the conversation or contributing to the conversation.
You can easily join a Men's Fellowship group by reaching out to one of the group leaders below or simply show up at a meeting. "Come and see." - John 1:46
There are three different Men's Fellowship groups that meet on varying days and times throughout the month. Although each is slightly unique in how it is run, every group exists with the primary purpose to allow men of our parish an opportunity to meet and discuss their faith.
Group One
- Meets the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at Dick Petersen’s house
- Serves at the Pickerington Food Pantry from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. on the third Monday each month
- To join, contact Dick Petersen at 614-981-2761.
Group Two
- Meets every Thursday, 7:00 a.m. at Scrambler Marie's in the front room
- To join, simply show up at a meeting or contact Dave Hopkins at 614-353-8668.
Group Three
- Meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, 7:00 a.m. at Panera in the back room
- To join, simply show up at a meeting or contact Tim Bowie at 614-361-9370.
Interested in Joining?
If you have additional questions about this ministry or are unsure what group you should join, please contact Tim Bowie (614-361-9370) for more information.
Looking for More?
Are you interested in other fellowship ministry opportunities at Seton?