About Helping Hands

Helping Hands is here to assist parishioners needing short term emergency assistance and assisting the Bereavement Ministry when there is a funeral for a parishioner.

As two examples:  if you have a medical emergency in the middle of the night and have children who cannot be left at home, we are equipped to provide childcare services until a friend or relative could come.  If you have an emergency and need a child to be picked up from school, we can assist.

We are always looking for volunteers to join, and we have no regular formal meetings.  If you can drive, cook, or shop, we can use your help.  The time commitment is minimal.

When you join our ministry, you are exhibiting a sheer act of kindness to help your fellow parishioners in their time of crisis and demonstrating Christian compassion.


Interested in Joining?

If you would like to become involved or have further questions about this ministry, please contact Beth Tomson (740-974-0556).

Looking for More?

Are you interested in other Christian service ministry opportunities at Seton?