“You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all.”
- St. Therese of Lisieux
Evangelization & Discipleship
Seton Parish Vision Statement
Seton Parish is a vibrant community fulfilling Christ’s call to make disciples by accompanying people on their journey of faith.
Six Elements of Missionary Disciple Formation
Kerygmatic Encounter - Alpha and The Rescue Project
Ongoing Formation in Prayer and Sacraments: Rosary, Adoration, RCIA
Missional Training: Reach More Training
Ongoing Catechesis: The Catechism is a Year, Monday Morning Faith Formation
Ongoing Scripture Study: Bible in a Year, Thursday Scripture Study, Men’s Scripture Study
The Parish Vision Statement along with the Six Elements of Missionary Disciple Formation drive the focus of the Evangelization and Discipleship Commission. We strive to create a welcoming environment to all who come to the parish, bring new opportunities, and strengthen existing opportunites in disciple formation at the parish.
A group of dedicated staff and volunteers from various ministries meet monthly to review plans and new ideas for missionary disciple formation for Seton Parish.
Interested in Joining?
If you would like to join or have further questions about the Evangelization & Discipleship Commission, please contact Liz Christy.
Looking for More?
Are you interested in other evangelization and discipleship ministry opportunities at Seton?