"Think well. Speak well. Do well. These three things, through the mercy of God, will make a man go to Heaven." - Saint Camillus de Lellis
About Boy Scouts
Boy Scout Troop 1147 is a boy-led and boy-run troop, inspired by the Scout Oath and Law. The troop meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in room 5 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Seton Parish is the troop's chartered organization since 2013.
We provide a year-round program of activities, including high-adventure and community service, giving boys the opportunity to advance in rank and practice leadership and teamwork in a friendly atmosphere.
We promote Boy Scouting in our community.
The scouts camp out one weekend each month, usually leaving Friday evening and coming back Sunday by noon. We go to various locations near and far: BSA campgrounds, national parks, historical sites and many others, engaging in various activities such as hiking, climbing, rappelling, caving, canoeing, swimming and more. In the weekly meetings we discuss and learn lifelong skills with scouts teaching scouts.
The troop gives back to the parish by helping out and volunteering in events like the parish festival, Seton garden cleanup, fall family festival, and collecting donations for the Portsmouth food drive through the Scouting for Food program.
If your son is 11 years old or has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old, and is interested in joining Boy Scouts or has a question about the troop, send us an email or visit us at one of our weekly meetings.
Interested in Joining?
If you would like your son to join our boy scout troop or have additional questions, please contact Bill Richards for more information.
Reverence Events
A list of upcoming events is being made available for the "12th Point of the Scout Law", "A Scout is Reverent".
Looking for More?
Are you interested in other stewardship ministry opportunities at Seton?